Results for 'Teresa Sousa Fernandes'

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  1.  75
    Temporal Asymmetries in Philosophy and Psychology.Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Alison Fernandes (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Humans’ attitudes towards an event often vary depending on whether the event has already happened or has yet to take place. The dread felt at the thought of a forthcoming examination turns into relief once it is over. People also value past events less than future ones – offering less pay for work already carried out than for the same work to be carried out in the future, as recent research in psychology shows. This volume brings together philosophers and psychologists (...)
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    Aletheia, revista quadrimestral editada pelo Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Luterana do Brasil, publica artigos originais, relacionados à Psicologia, pertencentes às seguintes categorias: artigos de pesquisa, artigos de atualização, resenhas e comunicações. Os artigos são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores e as opiniões e julgamentos neles contidos não expressam necessariamente o pensamento dos Editores ou Conselho Editorial.Bruna Baliari Espinosa, Teresa Rosado Gutiérrez, Maria Lívia do Nascimento, Alessandra Speranza Lacaz, Marilisa Travassos, Fabián Javier Marín Rueda, Fermino Fernandes Sisto, Cláudia Araújo da Cunha, Alexandre José Raad & Alcides Cardozo - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:1.
  3. Exploring people’s beliefs about the experience of time.Jack Shardlow, Ruth Lee, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack, Patrick Burns & Alison S. Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (11):10709-10731.
    Philosophical debates about the metaphysics of time typically revolve around two contrasting views of time. On the A-theory, time is something that itself undergoes change, as captured by the idea of the passage of time; on the B-theory, all there is to time is events standing in before/after or simultaneity relations to each other, and these temporal relations are unchanging. Philosophers typically regard the A-theory as being supported by our experience of time, and they take it that the B-theory clashes (...)
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    Pain in the past and pleasure in the future: The development of past–future preferences for hedonic goods.Ruth Lee, Christoph Hoerl, Patrick Burns, Alison Sutton Fernandes, Patrick A. O'Connor & Teresa McCormack - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12887.
    It seems self-evident that people prefer painful experiences to be in the past and pleasurable experiences to lie in the future. Indeed, it has been claimed that, for hedonic goods, this preference is absolute (Sullivan, 2018). Yet very little is known about the extent to which people demonstrate explicit preferences regarding the temporal location of hedonic experiences, about the developmental trajectory of such preferences, and about whether such preferences are impervious to differences in the quantity of envisaged past and future (...)
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  5. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  6.  22
    Threat perception and familiarity moderate the androgen response to competition in women.Gonçalo A. Oliveira, Sara Uceda, Tânia Oliveira, Alexandre Fernandes, Teresa Garcia-Marques & Rui F. Oliveira - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Mastery in Goal Scoring, T-Pattern Detection, and Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Tiago Fernandes & Raúl Hileno - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  8.  24
    Directly Exploring the Neural Correlates of Feedback-Related Reward Saliency and Valence During Real-Time fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Bruno Direito, Manuel Ramos, João Pereira, Alexandre Sayal, Teresa Sousa & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: The potential therapeutic efficacy of real-time fMRI Neurofeedback has received increasing attention in a variety of psychological and neurological disorders and as a tool to probe cognition. Despite its growing popularity, the success rate varies significantly, and the underlying neural mechanisms are still a matter of debate. The question whether an individually tailored framework positively influences neurofeedback success remains largely unexplored.Methods: To address this question, participants were trained to modulate the activity of a target brain region, the visual motion (...)
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  9.  27
    The Future Looks Good: Examining the Associations Between Coping, Psychological Distress, and Optimism.Tiago Santos, António de Sousa Uva, José Fernandes Rodrigues, Regina Ferreira, Diogo Monteiro, Antonio Hernández-Mendo & Filipe Rodrigues - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The recent pandemic and consequent lockdown had a substantial impact on mental health and optimism regarding the future. Previous research showed that levels of depression, anxiety, and stress had increased throughout the pandemic. Nonetheless, how individuals cope when faced with adversity may be associated with positive expectations regarding the future. A sample of 274 Portuguese workers with a mean age of 40.86 and work experience of 19.68 years met inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the proposed study. They represented (...)
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  10.  15
    Apply the Laws, if They are Good: Moral Evaluations Linearly Predict Whether Judges Should Enforce the Law.Neele Engelmann, Guilherme da Franca Couto Fernandes de Almeida, Felipe Oliveira de Sousa, Karolina Prochownik, Ivar R. Hannikainen, Noel Struchiner & Stefan Magen - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (10):e70001.
    What should judges do when faced with immoral laws? Should they apply them without exception, since “the law is the law?” Or can exceptions be made for grossly immoral laws, such as historically, Nazi law? Surveying laypeople (N = 167) and people with some legal training (N = 141) on these matters, we find a surprisingly strong, monotonic relationship between people's subjective moral evaluation of laws and their judgments that these laws should be applied in concrete cases. This tendency is (...)
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  11. Toward an account of intuitive time.Ruth Lee, Jack Shardlow, Christoph Hoerl, Patrick A. O'Connor, Alison S. Fernandes & Teresa McCormack - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (7):e13166.
    People hold intuitive theories of the physical world, such as theories of matter, energy, and motion, in the sense that they have a coherent conceptual structure supporting a network of beliefs about the domain. It is not yet clear whether people can also be said to hold a shared intuitive theory of time. Yet, philosophical debates about the metaphysical nature of time often revolve around the idea that people hold one or more “common sense” assumptions about time: that there is (...)
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  12.  17
    An Action-Independent Role for Midfrontal Theta Activity Prior to Error Commission.João Estiveira, Camila Dias, Diana Costa, João Castelhano, Miguel Castelo-Branco & Teresa Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Error-related electroencephalographic signals have been widely studied concerning the human cognitive capability of differentiating between erroneous and correct actions. Midfrontal error-related negativity and theta band oscillations are believed to underlie post-action error monitoring. However, it remains elusive how early monitoring activity is trackable and what are the pre-response brain mechanisms related to performance monitoring. Moreover, it is still unclear how task-specific parameters, such as cognitive demand or motor control, influence these processes. Here, we aimed to test pre- and post-error EEG (...)
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  13. Alfred North Withehead, Processo e Realidade. Ensaio de Cosmologia, translation and introduction by Maria Teresa Teixeira, Lisboa, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2010. [REVIEW]Elisabete M. de Sousa & Luís Morais - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (1):320-322.
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  14. Time travel and counterfactual asymmetry.Alison Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (3):1983-2001.
    We standardly evaluate counterfactuals and abilities in temporally asymmetric terms—by keeping the past fixed and holding the future open. Only future events depend counterfactually on what happens now. Past events do not. Conversely, past events are relevant to what abilities one has now in a way that future events are not. Lewis, Sider and others continue to evaluate counterfactuals and abilities in temporally asymmetric terms, even in cases of backwards time travel. I’ll argue that we need more temporally neutral methods. (...)
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  15. Does the temporal asymmetry of value support a tensed metaphysics?Alison Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):3999-4016.
    There are temporal asymmetries in our attitudes towards the past and future. For example, we judge that a given amount of work is worth twice as much if it is described as taking place in the future, compared to the past :796–801, 2008). Does this temporal value asymmetry support a tensed metaphysics? By getting clear on the asymmetry’s features, I’ll argue that it doesn’t. To support a tensed metaphysics, the value asymmetry would need to not vary with temporal distance, apply (...)
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  16.  89
    Time, Flies, and Why We Can't Control the Past.Alison Fernandes - 2023 - In Barry Loewer, Brad Weslake & Eric B. Winsberg, The Probability Map of the Universe: Essays on David Albert’s _Time and Chance_. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
    David Albert explains why we can typically influence the future but not the past by appealing to an initial low-entropy state of the universe. And he argues that in the rare cases where we can influence the past, we cannot use this influence to knowingly gain future rewards: so it does not constitute control. I introduce an important new case in which Albert's account implies we can not only influence the past but control it: a case where our actions in (...)
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  17.  11
    Comentário a “Criticando e avançando o construtivismo crítico a partir do Sul global”.Maurício Fernandes - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):91-96.
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  18. Quando longe vai a vida habitante dos homens.João Evangelista Fernandes - 2025 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (2):159-166.
    Resenha de Agamben, G. (2022). A loucura de Hölderlin - crônica de uma vida habitante 1806-1843. Tradução de Wander Melo Miranda. Belo Horizonte: Editora Âyiné.
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  19.  53
    The Power of Dissent.Ashley K. Fernandes - 2002 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 12 (1):115-134.
  20. Disagreement about Taste: Commonality Presuppositions and Coordination.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):701-723.
    The paper confronts the disagreement argument for relativism about matters of taste, defending a specific form of contextualism. It is first considered whether the disagreement data might manifest an inviariantist attitude speakers pre-reflectively have. Semantic and ontological enlightenment should then make the impressions of disagreement vanish, or at least leave them as lingering ineffectual Müller-Lyer-like illusions; but it is granted to relativists that this does not fully happen. López de Sa’s appeal to presuppositions of commonality and Sundell’s appeal to metalinguistic (...)
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  21. Falsity and Retraction: New Experimental Data on Epistemic Modals.Teresa Marques - 2024 - In Dan Zeman & Mihai Hîncu, Retraction Matters. New Developments in the Philosophy of Language. Springer. pp. 41-70.
    This paper gives experimental evidence against the claim that speakers’ intuitions support semantic relativism about assertions of epistemic modal sentences and uses this evidence as part of a broader argument against assessment relativism. It follows other papers that reach similar conclusions, such as that of Knobe and Yalcin (Semant Pragmat 7:1–21, 2014). Its results were achieved simultaneously and independently of the more recent work of Kneer (Perspectives on taste. Aesthetics, language, metaphysics, and experimental philosophy. Routledge, 2022). The experimental data in (...)
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  22.  33
    Who Needs Values When We Have Valuing? Comments on Jean Moritz Müller, The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling.Ronald de Sousa - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):257-261.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 257-261, October 2022. Müller argues that the perceptual or “Axiological Receptivity” model of emotions is incoherent, because it requires an emotion to apprehend and respond to its formal object at the same time. He defends a contrasting view of emotions as “Position-Takings" towards “formal objects”, aspects of an emotion's target pertinent to the subject's concerns. I first cast doubt on the cogency of Müller's attack on AR as begging questions about the temporal characteristics (...)
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  23.  38
    O discurso racional cartesiano na segunda prova da existência de Deus (The racional cartesian discourse on the second proof of God's existence).Monica Fernandes Abreu - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (16):153-165.
    Esta reflexão pretende mostrar o discurso racional cartesiano na segunda prova da existência de Deus. Para tanto, Descartes se depara com uma pergunta central: qual a causa da existência da res cogitans que é finita e possui a ideia de infinito? A resposta é encontrada na desproporcionalidade ontológica entre o finito e o infinito. Essa desproporcionalidade é elucidada mediante dois conceitos: o princípio de causalidade que determina que a causa deve ser igual ou superior a coisa causada e o princípio (...)
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  24.  16
    An Unfinished Conversation: Two Oppressed People Unable to Agree.P. Cavalcanti & R. Fernandes - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (18):136-149.
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    Com quantos autores faz-se uma Cidade Nova?: análise da produção existente sobre os aspectos urbanos da cidade de Natal.Gabriela Fernandes De Siqueira - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):11.
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    Specific labeling: An effective tool to explore the RNA world.Yu Liu, Rui Sousa & Yun-Xing Wang - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (2):192-200.
    Our knowledge about the functional diversity and importance of RNA in biology has grown enormously over the past three decades and has driven efforts to develop better tools to characterize RNAs. Amongst these tools are methods for preparing specifically labeled or chemically modified RNAs, which are essential for basic research, biomedical, and clinical applications. Understanding the potential and limits of these different RNA synthesis and labeling strategies is important in deciding how to approach the preparation of a particular RNA molecule. (...)
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  27.  41
    Um discípulo indisciplinado: Diderot leitor de Shaftesbury.Luís Fernandes dos Santos Nascimento - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):09-28.
    Um discípulo indisciplinado: Diderot leitor de Shaftesbury.
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  28. A instituição da lei e o valor do justo: positivismo jurídico no pensamento de Nietzsche.Vinicius Fernandes Ormelesi - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (3):45-3.
    This paper analyzes the contestation of Dühring’s ideas made by Nietzsche in paragraph 11 of the second part of the book On the Genealogy of Morals, in order to relate the philosopher's arguments to the legal positivist theory of the time. Through the examination of the views and arguments articulated in the Nietzschean reasoning, it is sought to show that Nietzsche's positions not only welcome important premises of legal positivism but are also compatible with some developments of positivist legal theory (...)
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  29.  15
    O filósofo errante.Manoel de Sousa Pinto - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 35:151-156.
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  30. The fundamental concepts of Tobias Barreto’s philosophy of culture.Leonardo de Sousa Oliveira Tavares - 2025 - Griot 25 (1):110-122.
    The following article is dedicated to the philosophy of culture developed by Tobias Barreto and the implications it can offer to philosophical practice. The author of Glosas Heterodoxas a um dos Motes do Dia, ou Variações Antissociológicas (1884/1887) presents us with a way of conceiving culture that has something to contribute to the philosophical characterization of this concept. In its neo-Kantian phase, the thematization of culture is marked by a reflection that goes beyond the limits of legal theory to move (...)
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  31.  46
    Negacionismo viral e política exterminista: notas sobre o caso brasileiro da COVID-19.Thor João De Sousa Veras - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e45.
    A pandemia da covid-19 ao redor do mundo suscitou na esfera pública uma profusão de discursos negacionistas da parte de lideranças políticas que foram seguidos pela sociedade civil. Ao situar essa manifestação no contexto social mais amplo da emergência de uma nova dinâmica política marcada por regimes de democracias iliberais, o objetivo desse texto é apresentar os aspectos filosóficos que subjazem o discurso negacionista na experiência brasileira mais recente. Tendo como base uma crítica obscurantista do progresso e uma filosofia da (...)
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  32.  20
    Centering Black feminist thought in nursing praxis.Ismalia De Sousa & Colleen Varcoe - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1):e12473.
    Femininity and whiteness dominate Western nursing, silencing ontologies and epistemologies that do not align with these dominant norms while perpetuating systemic racism and discrimination in nursing practice, education, research, nursing activism, and sociopolitical structures. We propose Black feminist thought as a praxis to decenter, deconstruct, and unseat these ideologies and systems of power. Drawing from the work of past and present Black feminist scholars, we examine the ontological and epistemological perspectives of Black feminist thought. These include (i) the uniqueness and (...)
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  33.  25
    Two Senses of ‘Essence’ and a Straw Man.Teresa Robertson Ishii - 2024 - Critica 56 (168):3-27.
    In this paper, I distinguish two senses of the word ‘essence’ both of which figure prominently in recent analytic metaphysics. To disambiguate, I adopt the terminology of ‘modal essence’ (for how a thing metaphysically must be) and ‘whatness essence’ (for what a thing is). With the help of this terminology, I address Kit Fine’s charge that modal metaphysics in the framework of Saul Kripke’s Naming and Necessity proffers an incorrect conceptual analysis of whatness essence. I show that the charge is (...)
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  34.  68
    “O legislador não faz nada em vão”: uma nota sobre Pol. IV.1.Victor Gonçalves de Sousa - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03432.
    Neste artigo, pretendo oferecer algumas razões para se dizer que Aristóteles sustenta a tese de que a εὐδαιμονία não apenas oferece o critério normativo que orienta a instituição e a reforma de regimes que estão aquém do melhor regime, como também é aquilo que é visado pela instituição e pela reforma destes regimes, pois o melhor regime não é, para Aristóteles, senão o regime no qual a εὐδαιμονία pode ser alcançada em máximo grau (cf. Pol. VII.13 1332a4-7).
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    For Equals Only: Race, Equality, and the Equal Protection Clause.Tina Fernandes Botts - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This book philosophically explores changing conceptions of race and equality in Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Equal Protection Clause since the enactment of the 14th Amendment. It traces these changing conceptions alongside the gradual elimination of the social equality of racialized persons from the Supreme Court’s list of priorities.
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    Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspectives on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism.Thomas Bustamante & Bernardo Gonçalves Fernandes (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume critically discusses the relationship between democracy and constitutionalism. It does so with a view to respond to objections raised by legal and political philosophers who are sceptical of judicial review based on the assumption that judicial review is an undemocratic institution. The book builds on earlier literature on the moral justification of the authority of constitutional courts, and on the current attempts to develop a system on "weak judicial review". Although different in their approach, the chapters all focus (...)
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  37.  30
    Simpósio internacional de fenomenologia E hermenêutica. Sociedade brasileira de fenomenologia.Nythamar Fernandes De Oliveira - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (1):5-8.
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    Introdução à Antropologia da Religião.Mailson Fernandes Cabral de Souza - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):543-552.
    Resenha do livro Introdução à Antropologia da Religião.
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    A concepção do espetáculo como supérfluo.Marcos Fernandes Gonçalves - 2011 - Synesis 3 (1):86-98.
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  40. Competição Global & Cooperação Local: uma análise das relações interfirmas no cluster têxtil de Americana-SP.Paulo Fernandes Keller - 2004 - Enfoques 3 (1).
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  41. Life the Human Quest for an Ideal.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & International Phenomenology Conference - 1996
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    A Imaginação Dialética de Habermas Entre o Naturalismo e a Religião: Uma Reconstrução Normativa Do Mundo da Vida Pós-Secular.Nythamar Fernandes Oliveira - 2020 - Dissertatio 9 (supl.):33-62.
    A concepção habermasiana do papel, do potencial normativo e dos limites da religião na esfera pública se desenvolve, se transforma e evolui ao longo das diferentes etapas do seu profícuo pensamento teórico-crítico. Neste artigo, proponho-me a revisitar tal concepção, partindo de sua autoavaliação enquanto constelação do pensamento pós-metafísico, atendo-me apenas ao seu inacabado programa de reconstrução normativa do mundo da vida (Lebenswelt) pós-secular em democracias pluralistas, à luz de algumas das suas contribuições seminais e interlocuções com a teologia política de (...)
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    Design and Validation of an Observational System for Penalty Kick Analysis in Football.Guilherme de Sousa Pinheiro, Vitor Bertoli Nascimento, Matt Dicks, Varley Teoldo Costa & Martin Lames - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The analysis of penalty kick has played an important role in performance analysis. The study aims are to get formal feedback on the relevance of variables for penalty kick analysis, to design and validate an observational system; and to assess experts’ opinion on the optimum video footage in penalty kick analysis. A structured development process was adopted for content validity, reliability and agreement on video usage. All observational variables included in OSPAF showed Aiken’s V values above the cut-off. Cohen’s Kappa (...)
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    Sobre narrativas e movimentação social dos trabalhadores: Uberl'ndia no final do século XX e início do século XXI.Carlos Meneses Sousa Santos - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (1).
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    Entre a parábola e o conto: Jesus, um contador de histórias.Levi Fernandes Leonido da Silva, João Bartolomeu Rodrigues & Elsa Gabriel Morgado - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):300-314.
    Nesta investigação, propomo-nos demonstrar que Jesus foi um verdadeiro contador de histórias. A narrativa lucana conhecida tradicionalmente por parábola do Filho pródigo não é propriamente uma parábola, pois assume os contornos formais de um conto, podendo-se nela encontrar as caraterística centrais do género literário “o conto”. Nela encontramos propriedades configuradoras da sua individualização como género: a conclusão moralizante de uma história fechada, com princípio, meio e fim; a concentração de espaço, tempo e reduzido número de personagens; a curta extensão sintagmática, (...)
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    A framework to understand human action.João de Fernandes Teixeira - 1988 - Trans/Form/Ação 11:13-22.
    This paper consists in an analysis of two explanatory models of human behaviour which play a prominent role in the contemporary literature on human action. The first model - the causalist - aims at explaining action in terms of causes and general laws. The second model - the intentionalist - explains human action in terms of intentions and practical syllogism. The difficulties of both models are presented and in the last part of the essay we propose one alternative model, based (...)
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    Tema: o retorno do ensino de filosofia ao segundo grau.João de Fernandes Teixeira & Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzales - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:1-3.
  48.  39
    The shift of Artificial Intelligence research from academia to industry: implications and possible future directions.Miguel Angelo de Abreu de Sousa - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    The movement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research from universities to big corporations has had a significant impact on the development of the field. In the past, AI research was primarily conducted in academic institutions, which foster a culture of peer reviewing and collaboration to enhance quality improvements. The growing interest in AI among corporations, especially regarding Machine Learning (ML) technology, has shifted the focus of research from quality to quantity. Corporations have the resources to invest in large-scale ML projects and (...)
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    Implementation of a multi-disciplinary ethics unit.Lynette B. Fernandes, Nin Kirkham, Anna-Marie Babey & Dominique Blache - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):109-123.
    The multi-disciplinary unit Social Responsibility in Action was developed for students with an interest in ethics who were completing undergraduate degrees in Arts, Commerce, Design or Science at an Australian research-intensive university. The academic objectives of this unit were to increase student awareness, knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills related to various ethical issues. Lecturers from five disciplines collaborated in the design and delivery of SRA, which comprised lectures, tutorials and a research-based project. Anonymous surveys were administered at the start (...)
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    Acknowledging the dual-interest gestationalist approach.Teresa Baron - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):96-97.
    Lange argues that the gestationalist approach to moral parenthood fails due to its implausible reliance on a ‘valuable intimate personal relationship between newborn and gestational procreator’ at birth.1 However, his dismissal of the moral significance of the maternal–fetal connection depends largely on inappropriate analogies to other forms of relationship. Further, Lange targets a very specific framing of the gestationalist view, overlooking the significance that many gestationalist accounts grant to maternal interests and experiences. Finally—perhaps due to this asymmetric focus—the version of (...)
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